Can You Use a Headphone Jack as a Line Out

line out vs headphone out

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Line outputs and headphone outputs are 2 similar sound connections that are frequently confused with one another.

An audio connection port for a line-level out signal is the line out. Headphone outs are used to drive headphones, whereas line outs are used to connect to external amplifiers.

A line output generates an audio signal that tin be amplified farther by an external amplifier, whereas a headphone out amplifies the signal before sending it.

What Is Line Out?

An audio connexion port that can produce a line-level audio stream is known every bit a line-out (or Line Output). Signals at the line level are steady enough to exist sent between multiple devices without causing significant point fluctuations.

Line in and line out

To become a chip further, line out refers to an audio output port or point of connection on a source device where external devices such equally speakers, headphones, or other output devices connect. Line out allows the audio devices to receive line-level audio signals from the source device.

Some other devices with a line out include guitars, bass amps, keyboards, mixers, and many more. The machines, therefore, send sound signals through the line out to other devices for processing.

For instance, yous can transport an sound signal from a mixer into a keyboard amp using the line out of the mixer.

What Is Line In?

Also known as sound in, sound in, or mic in, line in is an audio jack used to connect to some other audio output device or the microphone. Information technology can either exist analog or digital and serves the primary purpose of manipulating the incoming sound or audio recording.

Line in tin can exist found on near audio devices and computers. They carry electrical sound signals, and you tin can connect microphones, portable music players, or other sound devices to them.

What Is A Headphone Out?

Generally speaking, a headphone out is an output that carries enough amplification to drive headphones.

Remember, headphones are passive speakers and mainly depend on external amplification to be able to produce perceivable sound. Therefore, the keyword in "Headphone Out" is "Amplification."

headphone out

To get further, the technology used to supervene upon/substitute line level output is known as headphone line out. Headphones, external speakers, and other output devices tin can all be linked to your speaker via a headphone line-out.

A pure line output volition deliver greater sound quality than a headphone line out when information technology comes to sound quality. Withal, in recent years, the disparity has become almost insignificant.

As a upshot, headphone line outs can drive both headphones and line-level output loads.

Departure Between Line Out And Headphone Out

Well-nigh people can't tell the difference between Line Outs and Headphone Outs since they're so identical. The Headphone out is used to boost line-level signals so that headphones can be driven.

Line-Outs are audio ports that connect two sound devices and send line-level sound signals. The major differences between the line-out and headphone out audio connection ports are outlined beneath.

From the descriptions we already gave, line out, and headphone out seem to be pretty similar. There are, however, some striking differences between them. Permit's await at some of the differences beneath.

Output Indicate Quality

From the discussion then far, y'all understand that headphone outs take built-in amplifiers, while line outs practise not. It is, therefore, valid that the amplifier creates some level of distortion in the sound every bit the bespeak is amplified.

Depending on the quality of the amplifier used in your headphone out, the level of distortion may exist high or depression.

Some high-quality amplifiers will deliver pristine audio, and even if they have some slight noise, information technology may be pretty hard to discover every bit opposed to those created by low-quality amps.

Since line-level outs practise not have amplifiers, the sound they evangelize is usually very pure.

  • Impedance

Mostly, line-level outputs take 50 to a few hundred ohms source impedance. They are mainly intended to drive high impedance inputs upwardly to 5k ohms or more. Also, they are highly optimized for depression noise and low distortion, mainly when used with high impedance loads.

On the other manus, headphone outs are generally built with source impedance more diminutive than a hundred ohms.

They are meant to drive impedances in the range of sixteen ohms to 300 ohms typically constitute in headphones. Besides, they are adequately optimized to deliver low dissonance and reasonable distortion with low impedance loads.

It is, therefore, very clear that headphone outs are optimized for lower impedance loads while line outs are optimized for higher impedance loads.

The source resistance of the line out signals is in the range of 100 ohms and higher. They're designed to bulldoze betoken loads with a loftier input impedance. Headphone outs, unlike line outs, they possess a very reduced betoken intensity.

They have impedances ranging from sixteen to 600 ohms. The purpose of headphone outs is to reduce the resistance created past headphones. With depression impedance loads, headphone outs are tailored to bulldoze loftier current with minimal indicate degradation and noise production.

A headphone output, on the other hand, is built expressly for lower impedance loads and is capable of transmitting more power to them. A line-out, on the other hand, is designed to drive loads with college impedance ratings.

  • Amplification And Volume Regulation

Generally, line outs are not meant to drive headphones. This is considering they are not made with amplifiers in them. On the other manus, headphones out are incorporated with amplifies that brand them suitable for driving headphones.

If you use a device with a line out and an in-congenital amplifier, the line out volition, in many cases, featherbed the amp. However, if the device has a headphone out and an amp, the amp will help bulldoze the headphone by amplifying the sound signal transmitted through it.

As well, you cannot control the volume of audio coming through the line outs. This is because line outs are designed to connect to external amplifiers from which yous can do book controls. On the other hand, headphone outs allow volume controls because they have inbuilt amplifiers to assistance with that.

Output Betoken Purity

Line-level signals are amplified and sent to the headphones. Every bit a result, sound signals sent through a headphone jack will go through more than ane stage of amplification, potentially distorting or adding noise to the signal.

Equally a result, headphone outputs are typically muted in comparison to the clear sound from the line out. Even so, depending on the strength of the headphone out's built-in amp, this noise may be difficult to detect. Line-level output signals, on the other hand, are extremely pure.

They've been tweaked to create almost little dissonance and distortion. Line-out transmissions are less likely to exist corrupted in theory because they have a low audio signal intensity.

Volume Command and Amplification

Line outs do non take built-in amplifiers and are therefore unsuitable for driving headphones. A headphone out, on the other paw, was developed with built-in amplifiers. As a event, headphone outputs may deliver greater power with less distortion.

When you use the line out of a gadget with an inbuilt amp, the device'southward amp is bypassed. Line outs also have a stock-still volume on the device they're connected to. You can, on the other hand, control the volume of a headphone output.

Can I Use A Headphone Out As Line Out?

Line outs are built to drive high impedance loads, while headphone outs drive depression impedance loads.

As a result, interchanging them may not requite you pretty good results. However, y'all tin easily use the headphone out as a line out without dissentious your equipment.

Besides, some of the modern devices, such as keyboards, may non have a separate line out and headphone out ports. If your device only comes with a headphone out, for case, yous can use it as a line out as well.

However, keep the volume down to preclude any damage to your device or ensure you are getting skilful audio with little noise or distortion.

So the bottom line is that you may use your device's headphone output equally a line out. This will non cause any meaning distortion or reduce signal quality intensity.

Line outs tin can exist used with headphone outs. Although headphone outputs are not as clean as line output signals, they can be used every bit line-outs without sacrificing sound quality.

Information technology'southward a good idea to keep the volume down as a general rule. This is because, when compared to a Line Out signal, a headphone out point offers a substantially louder audio output. This will decrease dissonance and prevent indicate distortion.

Despite the fact of the affair is that, using a headphone out equally a line-out is a believable possibility.

Sound professionals with expertise propose against making such connections.

Tin can I Plug Headphones Into Line Out?

Since line-level outs are generally low bespeak carries, they will have minimal effect on the headphone.

Therefore, the headphone may be able to piece of work on the line out, but the audio will be shallow. This is because line outs do not have amplifiers to augment the audio signal before sending it to the headphone.

On the other hand, the experience you go with this kind of connection will vary depending on the type of headphones you use and their electric impedance.

Remember, the headphones employ a coil that must be supplied with enough signal force in the form of electrical power to be able to vibrate and reproduce the sound. The line out indicate is usually very depression, and you lot may end up with very fiddling or no audio at all.

The bottom line is that headphones can be plugged into a Line Out. If the audio output is detectable at all through the headphones, it will be feeble. Because the audio signal from the line out is frequently insufficient to drive headphones, this is the example.

This means that if you plug a headphone into a Line Out, you will almost certainly hear nothing. Even if you do, you volition barely be able to hear annihilation. The bass volition exist much diminished, even if the sound is loud plenty.

All of these difficulties volition, of form, vary depending on the headphones you're using and the line Out of the device you're connected into.

Information technology is very well worth noting that the Line Out feature does not include the needed signal amplification that your headphones crave to part.

What Does Headphone Line Out Mean?

Modern devices are built with headphone line output systems. These are technically output lines that utilise a combination of line out and headphone out.

They are more flexible and user-friendly as y'all tin can effectively utilize them to power line-level devices as well equally headphones without facing any challenges.

What Does Line Out Mean On An Amplifier?

The working principle of the amplifier is an audio connectedness technology that is uncomplicated and easy to grasp. The line out sends line-level audio signals from one device to another, and the line-ins are connected to the line outs. The indicate is received through the port's line.

On a last note, there are a few things to keep in mind when information technology comes to line outs and headphone outs.


Line outs are designed to drive signals into external amplifiers, while headphone outs have built-in amps that boost the signal before transmitting to the headphone. You should therefore restrict each port to its intended use for all-time results.


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