what are the factors that interact to determine performance?

Factors Affecting Man Performance

©  Fred Nickols 2012


This brief newspaper addresses vii of the more important factors that affect the performance of an private in the workplace:

  1. Goal Clarity
  2. Repertoire
  3. Knowledge of Structures
  4. Feedback
  5. Mental Models
  6. Motivation
  7. Surroundings

Goal Clarity

People must have in mind a clear picture of any end or goal they are to accomplish.  If this picture does not exists, they cannot tell if they are making progress or when they have completed the job or assignment, let alone if it has been completed properly (see feedback below).  "Continue the end in view" has been sae advice for almost ii thousand years.  The time a director spends in developing, communicating and clarifying the goals or ends to be achieved is fourth dimension well spent.


To achieve a goal, the people working toward it must possess a suitable, flexible repertoire. They must exist able to appoint in whatever behaviors are necessary to obtain that goal - despite changing circumstances and environmental disturbances. In some cases, this volition involve carrying out a routine that has been specified in advance by someone else. In other cases, it volition require figuring out - on the spot - an appropriate class of action. In many situations, the stop to be achieved volition remain abiding but the conditions under which information technology is to attained volition vary.

Knowledge of Structures

Figuring out what to do in a particular state of affairs requires cognition of the structure of that state of affairs. People must understand the elements that make upwardly the state of affairs, how those elements are connected to one some other and the relationships that exist between and amidst these elements. This knowledge of the structure of the situation allows people to say how the actions they take will lead to the result they seek. It also allows them to say, for a given result, the actions that will lead to it. Absent-minded this cognition, activity is little more than a shot in the night and achieving desired results depends mainly on luck or intuition.


Without information virtually bodily conditions in relation to intended goals or results, no one can perform to standard. Such information is known as "feedback." It informs progress, enables corrections and, eventually, signals attainment of the objective.

For about "hard" tasks (i.e., tasks involving tangible products or other immediate and readily measured effects of 1'south deportment), feedback is generally available without much effort on anyone's part. We are aware of our deportment and their effects.

Only, for "soft" tasks (i.e., tasks where the effects of our actions are not tangible, immediate nor readily measured), the feedback loop is substantially open. This is especially true when the principal effects of a person's actions are the reactions of other people.

Mental Models

Absent feedback, people have no option except to human action in ways that are consequent with internally-held views or mental models of what is advisable or what should piece of work instead of externally-based information most what is and isn't actually working.

For this reason, information technology is worthwhile spending time working with people to identify the mental models they currently utilise in situations where feedback isn't readily available. In some cases, this volition surface mental models that are inappropriate or inadequate. In other cases, it might surface mental models that are superior to those held by about people.


It is one matter to be capable of doing something; it is something else altogether to want to practice it. Setting aside the consequence of coercion, people generally want to exercise things for two basic reasons: (1) it serves some purpose of their own or (2) it serves someone else's purpose and they've accepted something in return for doing whatever information technology is that someone else wants done. Self-satisfaction and incentives; these are the two great motivators.


Even if the starting time half dozen factors are nowadays, operation might non occur if the environmental weather condition are so unsuitable as to present insurmountable barriers to performance. Most of us can successfully drive our cars on windy days merely none of the states tin drive through a tornado. In less dramatic terms, missing tools and equipment, competing priorities, a repressive climate and other factors can interfere with our power to perform as expected, regardless of our motives or our repertoire, the presence or absence of feedback and the quality of the mental models that guide our thinking and actions. In brusque, the task surround must support the desired operation; at the very least, it must be manageable.


The seven factors that make performance possible are these:

  1. a clear pic of the ends to be attained,

  2. a suitable repertoire,

  3. knowledge of the construction of the situation,

  4. a functioning feedback loop,

  5. sound mental models,

  6. adequate motivation and

  7. a supportive or manageable task environment.

If you're concerned nearly your functioning or the functioning of other people, a good identify to outset your analysis is with the vii factors listed above.

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This page last updated on Baronial two, 2019


Source: https://www.nickols.us/factors_affecting_performance.htm

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