what religion doesnt allow you to have your picture taken

  1. I was killing time at the bus stop practicing panning shots on passing cars, when I noticed a guy peering over at my display. I thought he was just curious and then I explained what I was trying to attain to alay whatsoever concerns he might have had. His response was "i promise you oasis't taken any pictures of me" which turned out not to be a joke (fair enough) so I showed him the few shots I had taken to testify I hadn't, at his request. To lighten the mood I joked "are you superstitious almost having your photo taken?" And he replied that his spiritual beliefs were against information technology, and that he was offended at me comparing his spirituality to superstition. I made no such distinction, but nonetheless apologised for offending him and got on the bus.

    Of course not all people react favourably to potentially having their picture show taken, but has anyone here had anyone object on religious grounds? If so, what faith/faith were they so I know who not to offend?

  2. I have never heard of anything like that! I wonder if he realises his moving-picture show is taken hundreds of times every time he leaves the house.
  3. I think I'm right in maxim that the on average nosotros announced on CCTV every 5 seconds or so in a town/metropolis. Sounds similar an idiot, if someone peered over at my display, responded like that and then challenge he was offended cause of something I didn't say I'd consider pushing him in front of the coach I was waiting for. In all seriousness, information technology'southward impossible to exist inoffensive to everyone so I'd not worry about it.

    Edit: I'd push him in front of a omnibus that wasn't mine as it would take fifty-fifty longer to get to wherever I was going.

  4. I tin't find anything most whatever faith forbidding having your photo taken. All I can find is something that relates to hasidic Jews and them wanting to be photographed beingness frowned upon due to vanity or something like (paraphrasing).

    Personally if someone aggressively demanded I not take their photo, I'd inquire why, if simply to find out what their problem is. If someone politely asked me not to I'd instantly hold and delete anything I had taken, and prove them what I had taken every bit a gesture of good faith.

    I exercise find it bizarre that someone has said this though, when as pointed out, they're on CCTV for the bulk of the day, and have their photo taken more ofttimes than they even know. Seems like a pathetic over reaction to me, from someone that has nix better to practice than to selection arguments for no reason.

    Personally I don't like having my photo taken, only I never stop people from taking information technology. I can't see the point. In fact when I was at Llandudno on the beach I was wandering up the pier with my camera around my neck and some lad sneakily took a photo from hip height to hibernate the fact he was doing it. If I'd been someone that cared, he'd take been request for trouble doing that. How did I know he took a photo? I heard the shutter, instantly looked around and saw a guilt stricken look on his face up :D

  5. I seem to remember some cultures in the far east believing information technology takes some of the soul. It's not unreasonable for people that aren't exposed to modernistic technologies to call back this manner.

    Merely every bit said its a little naive for someone in this state to believe theyre not being caught on camera many times a solar day.

  6. Okay, glad I'thousand non the just one who thought it was odd. I'grand pretty new to photography then wasn't sure if there was some culture I should be careful around.

    I hadn't considered information technology, but I wonder what his reaction would be if I had pointed out the CCTV on the coach we boarded and that information technology was taking his picture at to the lowest degree 30 times/southward for his entire journeying.

  7. How can it possibly be against a faith to exist photographed?

    Photographic camera's weren't fifty-fifty invented during the fourth dimension this crap was written (sorry to the haters, I'g not in the slightest religious).

  8. Take a look at Exodus 20:4

    Not an obscure passage, but rather the second of the ten commandments.

    Common to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

    "Yous shall non make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven higher up or on the world beneath or in the waters below"

    I really don't desire to start an statement about religion in hither, simply I could certainly sympathise why someone could interpret that to mean "no photography".



  9. Id accept been offended at him comparing his spirituality to a Stevie Wonder classic.
  10. Yous demand to quote the whole passage, it basically refers to worshiping false gods... Non that I want to enter a religious argue either! lol!

  11. that guy must have been high mate lol
  12. Such equally every person in the nation sitting down to worship the pictures in the corner of their room for several hours every twenty-four hour period and having an electronic idol in their pocket so that they tin worship everywhere they become?

    (I'thou not really trying to debate the betoken but rather illustrate that in that location are wildly unlike points of view.)


  13. most stupid religous content is translation error or purposeful corruption to control poeple...

    information technology says "you shall" so information technology means the believer cannot make the prototype...

    I bet the original meaning / intent of the wording was "dont make a statue of some random god and worship it..."

    probably with the deeper meaning that there is no "devine being" and that you are responisble for your ain actions...

    the doods that invented some of these god books were very smart....

  14. From memory some religions do believe that it takes away the soul.

    These are not-christian religions though, so i'chiliad not sure why the bible is being quoted.

  15. You lot were certainly far more patient than I would have been. "No idea" would have been my answer if he asked if I'd taken any photos of him and that would have been the end of it.

    How can photography possibly be against a religious belief when it was only invented a century or so ago?

  16. If someone says it's against their religious beliefs to take their photo taken, say to them, "I believe I have non taken any photos of you lot."
    If they inquire for proof, yous don't need any - believing is plenty.
  17. Well I gauge I'd have to answer your question with another question...How many Abodiginals exercise you encounter modeling?
  18. :D
  19. Haha, belter of a mail!


    Information technology'south a strange situation though, A train station "steward" (their real name has escaped me) one time asked me to cease taking photos of the station architecture as the flash may startle train drivers and cause accidents, I found this dubious but apologized all the same and stopped.

  20. you had permission to take photos there right? i believe its not allowed without prior approval anyhow. its not unrealistic that they do non want a commuter of a 100's tonne train with 100's of passengers getting distracted.. ;)


Source: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/religions-against-photography.18364505/

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